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Hi my name is Jordy Smith and I am going to be talking about the Superman Air. The best type of wave I’d say is probably three to four-foot wave. You’re just looking for that kind of section that’s kind of just starting to peak and the section you will be hitting is going to be 2-3 feet max. You’re just kind of going on your forehand and you know when you’re going down the line, you kind of do a slight gradual bottom turn, nothing too steep. You just kind of go up, and as you go up you kind of kick your board out just enough so that the wind catches it.

Once the one kind of catches you gotta kind of project towards the beach more, and you know grab the two rails of your board and once you kind of get to that point you’re gonna feel like you need to start looking for landing spot. Once you kind of got your landing spot set, you just pretty much start to descent and bring your board back down. Yeah once you get your board under your feet, you know your kind of landing on the flats a little bit and take the shock once you land and you got yourself a Superman.

Baby steps, yeah I’d say try them off the back of the wave. That’s generally the easiest you know, and then once you get enough confidence to land back in the trough, then go from their for sure. Just make sure that you’re going to grab the board. Make sure you don’t miss you grab, cause if you miss your grab it’s pretty much just kick out, just a you know fly away.

-Jordy Smith
